Christ My Song-Logo

Hymns by number / Lieder nach Nummern: 2051 - 2100

l 2051 - 2060 l 2061 - 2070 l 2071 - 2080 l 2081 - 2090 l 2091 - 2100 l

2051 - 2060
2051. Immer noch strahlst du, erleuchtende Liebe, durch Nächte (Döring)
2052. Praise the Lord! rejoice, ye Gentiles - Song of Praise (Monsell)
2053. Low at thy feet I lie - I am thine (Monsell)
2054. My sins, my sins, my Saviour! - Penitence (Monsell)
2055. Love, in all its depth and height - Song of Love (Monsell)
2056. I have no comfort but thy love - The Comfort of Love (Monsell)
2057. Lord, to whom except to thee - Divine Food (Monsell)
2058. I sought thee when my heart was low - Joy Restored (Monsell)
2059. Fight the good fight - The Good Fight (Monsell)
2060. Let us low in rev'rence wait - Song of Praise (Monsell)
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2061 - 2070
2061. My head is low, my heart is sad - Penitence (Monsell)
2062. Shadow of a mighty Rock! - The Shadow (Monsell)
2063. My God how great thy goodness - Song of Praise (Monsell)
2064. Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness! - Adoration (Monsell)
2065. The night is dark and sad - Watch Song (Monsell)
2066. Sing, O Heavens! O Earth, rejoice! - Ascension Day (Monsell)
2067. Holy Spirit! long expected - Whit Sunday. (Monsell)
2068. Hört das Wort voll Ernst und Liebe (Garve)
2069. In allen meinen Taten (Flemming)
2070. My froward heart, my wayward will - God's Gentleness (Monsell)
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2071 - 2080
2071. Weep no more, my soul! forgiven - The Return (Monsell)
2072. Sweet is thy mercy, Lord! - Mercy Sweet (Monsell)
2073. Though thou slay me, I will trust - Faith (Monsell)
2074. The world is bright, but I am sad - Sorrow with Christ (Monsell)
2075. Pity on us, Heavenly Father - Litany Hymn (Monsell)
2076. In the Lord put I my trust - Trust (Monsell)
2077. If thy Presence go not with me - Removal (Monsell)
2078. To thee, O dear dear Saviour! - Song of Love (Monsell)
2079. O, would that I were fairer, Lord! - Song of Love (Monsell)
2080. Other Name than my dear Lord's - His Name (Monsell)
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2081 - 2090
2081. Lord, to thy holy Temple - Second Advent (Monsell)
2082. Herr, unser Gott, dich loben wir! (Unbekannt)
2083. Rich and poor, and high and low - The Poor (Monsell)
2084. Soon and for ever - The Dying Christian (Monsell)
2085. Tree of Life! that, in the desert - Remember me (Monsell)
2086. So early in the morning - Early Calling (Monsell)
2087. Lord, if thou wilt - Sickness (Monsell)
2088. Ein reines Herz, Herr, schaff in mir (Neuß)
2089. Gift of the Father's living love! - Whit Sunday (Monsell)
2090. Christ is risen! Alleluia! - Easter (Monsell)
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2091 - 2100
2091. Lord, exceeding sorrowful - Thy will be done (Monsell)
2092. Thy rebuke my heart hath broken! - The Broken Heart (Monsell)
2093. Long and earnestly she pleaded - Help in Hindrances (Monsell)
2094. From Bethlehem to Calvary - The Wedding Garment (Monsell)
2095. Why, my soul, so sad and fearful - Peace in Jesus (Monsell)
2096. Always in the Lord rejoice - Joy in the Lord (Monsell)
2097. Lord, to thy will my anxious soul - The Follower (Monsell)
2098. Jesus, my loving Lord! I know - The Hidden Face (Monsell)
2099. Jesus Christ! thou Son of David! - The Call of Christ (Monsell)
2100. The Lord, who sits enthroned in light - Fastings with Christ (Monsell)
Top / Übersicht 2001 - 2050 2101 - 2150