Hymns by number / Lieder nach Nummern: 551 - 600
l 551 - 560 l 561 - 570 l 571 - 580 l 581 - 590 l 591 - 600 l
- 551 - 560
- 551. O ye of little faith - Doubt not (Bonar)
- 552. Ye know not what ye ask! (Bonar)
- 553. Light of life, so softly shining - Light of life (Bonar)
- 554. Holy Spirit, spring of gladness - To the Holy Spirit (Bonar)
- 555. The Son of God descends - The Just for the Unjust (Bonar)
- 556. Good is thy will, O Lord, and good thy way - Furnace Heat (Bonar)
- 557. Risen Son of God, this day - The Light of the Risen One (Bonar)
- 558. Lead us, O Lord, to Bethlehem - Show us Jesus (Bonar)
- 559. By sleep he consecrated sleep - The Things that God hath Cleansed (Bonar)
- 560. Sinks the swift sun - The glory to be revealed (Bonar)
- Top / Übersicht
- 561 - 570
- 561. Be still, my soul, be still - Be still (Bonar)
- 562. Come, all ye nations, utter all your praises - Laudate (Bonar)
- 563. We take the peace which he has won - The gift of peace (Bonar)
- 564. Peace upon peace, like wave on wave - Divine peace (Bonar)
- 565. King of kings! ascend thy throne - The coming reign (Bonar)
- 566. Das Leben wird oft trübe - Die dürre Zeit (Spitta)
Our life is often dark - A time of dearth (Spitta/Massie)
Tit bliver livet øde - Den tørre tid (Spitta/Reventlow)
Mörk är vår levnad ofta - Den torra tiden (Spitta/Lundberg)
Vaak valt ons hier het leven - Dorre tijden (Spitta/Riemens) - 567. To thee, to thee alone, Lord, would I hearken - True thinking (Bonar)
- 568. Yes, I will always love (Guyon/Cowper)
- 569. I place an offering at thy shrine - The perfect sacrifice (Guyon/Cowper)
- 570. Finish thy work, the time is short - Finish thy work (Bonar)
- Top / Übersicht
- 571 - 580
- 571. Give thou thy youth to God - The Days of Thy Youth (Bonar)
- 572. Rise, daughter of Zion, thy mourning is o'er - Hymn for the Epiphany (Muhlenberg)
- 573. 'Tis a sharp rugged hill, that seems to mock - To the Mark (Bonar)
- 574. Light hath arisen, we walk in its brightness - The Walk of Faith (Bonar)
- 575. Jerusalem, Jerusalem (Muhlenberg)
- 576. Lord, give me light to do thy work - Light for work (Bonar)
- 577. To the name of God on high - Give glory (Bonar)
- 578. Could ye not watch? (Bonar)
- 579. Done is the work that saves - The Work that Saves (Bonar)
- 580. Upward, where the stars are burning - Upward (Bonar)
- Top / Übersicht
- 581 - 590
- 581. Thee in the loving bloom of morn - God in all, and all in God (Bonar)
- 582. Ah, Lord, the world is dark! - Light in darkness (Bonar)
- 583. Life is coming, death is going - Even so, Amen (Bonar)
- 584. Great King of kings, why dost thou stay? - Thy Kingdom Come (Bonar)
- 585. The night-shades have begun their flight - Jubilate (Bonar)
- 586. Sweet cup of sorrow (Bonar)
- 587. Sounds the trumpet from afar! - The War Song of the Church (Bonar)
- 588. Shine on, sweet sun, and let my day - Shine on (Bonar)
- 589. The cross, it standeth fast - Cross and Throne (Bonar)
- 590. The cross stands firm - The Same for Ever (Bonar)
- Top / Übersicht
- 591 - 600
- 591. Oh help me o'er this river - Jesus, Help! (Bonar)
- 592. Not in thine anger, Lord - Psalm 6 (Bonar)
- 593. Rock of the desert - The Desert Rock (Bonar)
- 594. I suffer, that I may behold - Divine Discipline (Bonar)
- 595. For the first time I see - The Eye Opening on the Cross (Bonar)
- 596. Watch, for ye know not when the Master cometh - Watching for the Master (Bonar)
- 597. When through the torn sail the wild tempest is streaming - Help, Lord, or we perish! (Heber)
- 598. Let me call nothing dark or ill - Transformed darkness (Bonar)
- 599. Press up the hill! - Up the hill (Bonar)
- 600. The time is short! - Linger not (Bonar)
- Top / Übersicht 501 - 550 601 - 650