Christ My Song-Logo

Hymns by number / Lieder nach Nummern: 1201 - 1250

l 1201 - 1210 l 1211 - 1220 l 1221 - 1230 l 1231 - 1240 l 1241 - 1250 l

1201 - 1210
1201. Lord, I put my trust in thee (Kelly)
1202. Every good possessing (Kelly)
1203. Jesus our Lord is King (Kelly)
1204. O Captain of God's host (Heber)
1205. "It is finished!" sinners, hear it (Kelly)
1206. Dort am Kreuz starbst du für mich - Mein guter Hirte (Rüegg)
1207. Bless, my soul, the name of Jesus (Kelly)
1208. Nichts fürcht ich mehr - Mein Lebensglück (Rüegg)
1209. Glory, glory to our King! (Kelly)
1210. Every knee shall bow to Jesus (Kelly)
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1211 - 1220
1211. Awake, ye saints, awake and watch (Kelly)
1212. Sons of Zion, raise your songs (Kelly)
1213. See! he comes, his work is done (Kelly)
1214. Behold the Lamb, with glory crowned! (Kelly)
1215. Let crowns of glory wreathe the head (Kelly)
1216. Jesus comes, the Judge of all (Kelly)
1217. The Saviour bears a lovely name (Kelly)
1218. We sing the praise of him who gave (Kelly)
1219. Boundless glory, Lord, be thine! (Kelly)
1220. If worldly thoughts so much employ (Kelly)
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1221 - 1230
1221. The Cross! my hope, my boast, my theme (Kelly)
1222. "We walk by faith, and not by sight" (Kelly)
1223. Yes, the Lord has thus far led us (Kelly)
1224. To thee, O Lord, we turn our eyes (Kelly)
1225. For the hope we have of life (Kelly)
1226. To thee, O Lord our God, we come (Kelly)
1227. Weep no more, ye saints, why should ye? (Kelly)
1228. Much I love the honoured name (Kelly)
1229. "Sinner, I am thy salvation" (Kelly)
1230. The God of glory dwells on high (Kelly)
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1231 - 1240
1231. The Lord, his way is in the storms (Kelly)
1232. We sing with joy today (Kelly)
1233. We ought to sing for joy today (Kelly)
1234. Glad we keep the feast today (Kelly)
1235. Let others labour to possess (Kelly)
1236. Lo! the infant Saviour lies (Kelly)
1237. What thou hast (Kelly)
1238. Sing of him who lives for ever (Kelly)
1239. Blessed be the Lord for ever! (Kelly)
1240. To him who left his throne (Kelly)
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1241 - 1250
1241. Praise the Lord (Kelly)
1242. Sing we praise to God above (Kelly)
1243. To him, "the only wise" (Kelly)
1244. Praise, O Lord, we know becomes us (Kelly)
1245. Is it not God appoints it so? (Kelly)
1246. When the Lord rebukes his servant (Kelly)
1247. O Zion, when I think on thee (Kelly)
1248. Hochbegnadigt von dem Herrn (Cramer)
1249. Saviour, be thou with us, going (Kelly)
1250. Make thy face to shine upon us (Kelly)
Top / Übersicht 1151 - 1200 1251 - 1300