Christ My Song-Logo

Hymns by number / Lieder nach Nummern: 1151 - 1200

l 1151 - 1160 l 1161 - 1170 l 1171 - 1180 l 1181 - 1190 l 1191 - 1200 l

1151 - 1160
1151. Awake our souls! awake our tongues! (Kelly)
1152. Thy promise, Lord, just suits my case - "My Grace is Sufficient for thee" (Kelly)
1153. The mighty God our father is - "If Children, then Heirs" (Kelly)
1154. We sing of him who died (Kelly)
1155. Lord, let thy Spirit from above (Kelly)
1156. Spirit of Truth! on this thy day - Whit Sunday (Heber)
1157. When we cannot see our way (Kelly)
1158. We sing the Saviour's praise (Kelly)
1159. Go forth to sow, O sowers - Sowing the Seed (Burlingham)
1160. Glad I am to have thee - The Bible (Kelly)
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1161 - 1170
1161. Lord of Mercy and of might - Quintquagesima Sunday (Heber)
1162. No strength at all belongs to us (Kelly)
1163. Our rest be here, the Cross beneath (Kelly)
1164. 'Tis to us no cause of sorrow (Kelly)
1165. Oh more than merciful! whose bounty gave - Good Friday (Heber)
1166. "Come in, thou blessed of the Lord" - Receiving a Member (Kelly)
1167. The winds were howling o'er the deep - Fourth Sunday after Epiphany (2) (Heber)
1168. Though sorrows rise, and dangers roll - St. James Day (Heber)
1169. Lord, I trust in thee, O never (Kelly)
1170. Jesus, my Lord, to thee (Kelly)
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1171 - 1180
1171. When we stand on Pisgah's summit (Kelly)
1172. I praised the earth, in beauty seen - Forth Sunday after Trinity (Heber)
1173. "Trust ye in the Lord for ever" (Kelly)
1174. The Spirit, coming in his pow'r - Thirst for God (Kelly)
1175. Oh King of earth and air and sea! - Fourth Sunday in Lent (Heber)
1176. Rescued from the lake infernal (Kelly)
1177. God has turned my grief to gladness (Kelly)
1178. Forth from the dark and stormy sky - Second Sunday after Trinity (Heber)
1179. Glory, glory everlasting (Kelly)
1180. Life nor Death shall us dissever - Fifth Sunday after Easter (Heber)
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1181 - 1190
1181. The light is sweet, and pleasant is (Kelly)
1182. God is gone up with a merry noise - Easter Day (Heber)
1183. The night is now far spent (Kelly)
1184. Lord, 'tis good to know thy grace (Kelly)
1185. The saints shall have joy in the morning (Kelly)
1186. Lo the lilies of the field - Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity (Heber)
1187. Oh hand of bounty, largely spread - Second Sunday after Epiphany (1) (Heber)
1188. The Cross! a theme of joy to some (Kelly)
1189. There was joy in Heaven! - Third Sunday after Trinity (Heber)
1190. Oh thou whom neither time nor space - Fifth Sunday in Lent (Heber)
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1191 - 1200
1191. To our Lord a throne is giv'n (Kelly)
1192. The day of God at length appears (Kelly)
1193. When Spring unlocks the flowers to paint the laughing soil - Seventh Sunday after Trinity (Heber)
1194. At our Father's table meeting (Kelly)
1195. Who yonder on the desert heath - Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity (Heber)
1196. Away! he calls thee hence away (Kelly)
1197. On that eternal love of thine - "Thou remainest" (Helyar)
1198. "Sit thou on my right hand, my Son!" saith the Lord - Ascension Day and Sunday after (Heber)
1199. Now may the Spirit, sent from heav'n (Kelly)
1200. O God! my sins are manifold, against my life they cry - Twenty-second Sunday after Trinity (Heber)
Top / Übersicht 1101 - 1150 1201 - 1250