Hymns by number / Lieder nach Nummern: 601 - 650
l 601 - 610 l 611 - 620 l 621 - 630 l 631 - 640 l 641 - 650 l
- 601 - 610
- 601. In this great world of ours - The strength of evil (Bonar)
- 602. What powerful, mighty Voice, so near - The call (Darby)
- 603. Ermuntert euch, ihr Frommen! (Laurentii)
Rejoice, all ye believers (Laurentii/Borthwick) - 604. There is no love like the love of Jesus (Littlewood)
- 605. On earth awhile, 'mid sufferings tried (Abelard/Washburn)
- 606. Rise, my soul, thy God directs thee - God in the wilderness (Darby)
- 607. My Father God, lead on! - Father, lead on (Palmer)
- 608. Come, Jesus, Redeemer, abide thou with me - Abide with me (Palmer)
- 609. Jesus, this heart within me burns - My Beloved is mine (Palmer)
- 610. Take me, O my Father, take me - Self-Surrender (Palmer)
- Top / Übersicht
- 611 - 620
- 611. I sit in my silent chamber - Nocturn (Palmer)
- 612. Let not terrors haunt thee - The Good Shepherd (Palmer)
- 613. Oh! bright and blessed scenes - Home (Darby)
- 614. How goes the fight with thee - Our battle (Bonar)
- 615. I need no priest save him who is above - My High Priest (Bonar)
- 616. I see my Lord, the pure, the meek, the lowly - Via Dolorosa (Palmer)
- 617. Why should these eyes be tearful - The Victory of Faith (Palmer)
- 618. That Holy One - Consider him (Randolph)
- 619. Thy Father's house! Thine own bright home! - The Father's house (Palmer)
- 620. When inward turns my searching gaze - Jesus the all in all (Palmer)
- Top / Übersicht
- 621 - 630
- 621. Jesus, Lamb of God, for me - Repentance at the Cross (Palmer)
- 622. Ever as I onward go - Burdens (Palmer)
- 623. O Christ, I long to know thee - The vision of Christ (Palmer)
- 624. Come, Holy Ghost, in love - Come, Holy Ghost (Robert II/Palmer)
- 625. Where climbs thy steep, fair Olivet - Gethsemane (Palmer)
- 626. Jesus, these eyes have never seen - Unseen, not unknown (Palmer)
- 627. Jesus, I love thy charming name - Christ precious to the believer (Doddridge)
- 628. Lord, my weak thought in vain would climb - Unfaltering trust (Palmer)
- 629. O Holy Comforter - The Comforter (Palmer)
- 630. Smile, O my God, on me - A present God (Palmer)
- Top / Übersicht
- 631 - 640
- 631. My God, within thy secret place - God's hidden ones (Palmer)
- 632. O ever sacred spot - The Place of Prayer (Palmer)
- 633. Fount of everlasting love - Spiritual refreshing (Palmer)
- 634. Lord, I would heavenward ever press - The rest of faith (Palmer)
- 635. With the Sabbath's holy dawning - Sabbath morning worship (Palmer)
- 636. I give my heart to thee - I give my heart (Palmer)
- 637. O Bread to pilgrims given - Sacramental Hymn (Palmer)
- 638. Wir haben immer Friede (Spitta)
- 639. And is there, Lord, a rest - The heavenly rest (Palmer)
- 640. When downward to the darksome tomb - The resurrection (Palmer)
- Top / Übersicht
- 641 - 650
- 641. Yes, kind Saviour, grieving - The consenting heart (Palmer)
- 642. We stand in deep repentance - Penitential hymn (Palmer)
- 643. Lord, thou wilt bring the joyful day! - The coming glory (Palmer)
- 644. In the dark days of grief - De profundis (Palmer)
- 645. I know, my God, that thou art near - Private worship (Palmer)
- 646. Thy holy will, my God, be mine - Submission (Palmer)
- 647. Stealing from the world away - Evening worship (Palmer)
- 648. Before thy throne with tearful eyes - The Dayspring (Palmer)
- 649. Son of God, who 'midst the throne - The Lamb enthroned (Palmer)
- 650. O Spirit of the living God - The inspiring Spirit (Palmer)
- Top / Übersicht 551 - 600 651 - 700