Christ My Song-Logo

Hymns by number / Lieder nach Nummern: 1001 - 1050

l 1001 - 1010 l 1011 - 1020 l 1021 - 1030 l 1031 - 1040 l 1041 - 1050 l

1001 - 1010
1001. God of my life! Thy boundless grace - I come to Thee (Elliott)
1002. Thou for whom we look, now aid me - The Bridegroom Cometh (Elliott)
1003. And does my parting hour draw nigh - Rejoicing in Hope (Elliott)
1004. Why, why art thou so fearful - Fear Not (Elliott)
1005. Calm was the hallowed night! - A Christmas Hymn (Elliott)
1006. Oh yes! there is a land of light! - The Better Country (Elliott)
1007. Ransomed spirit! heavenward hasten! - To the Passing Spirit (Elliott)
1008. I take my pilgrim staff anew - Hymn for the New Year (Elliott)
1009. Thou, through whose all-prevailing name - The Name above every Name (Elliott)
1010. A voice beloved thus spoke of late - To a Mourner (Elliott)
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1011 - 1020
1011. It is said that the exile who chances to hear - On Sacred Music (Elliott)
1012. May heavenly guides attend thee! - To a Friend setting out on a Journey (Elliott)
1013. My God! is any hour so sweet - The Hour of Prayer (Elliott)
1014. He who on earth as man was known - The Refuge, River, and Rock of the Church (Newton)
1015. I come to thee once more, my God! - The End of Man (Faber)
1016. Think, oh, think, my heaven-born spirit - Why art thou cast down, O my Soul? (Elliott)
1017. My God! how wonderful thou art - Our Heavenly Father (Faber)
1018. My path through the desert grows dreary - The Fear of Death is fallen upon me (Elliott)
1019. All gone, all gone! for this life gone - All gone (Elliott)
1020. My soul, thou art weary within me and faint - In due Season we shall Reap if we Faint not (Elliott)
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1021 - 1030
1021. When waves of trouble round me swell - It is I: be not afraid (Elliott)
1022. I am a passing stranger here - The Pilgrim's Hymn (Elliott)
1023. Oh, thou glorious world unseen - Thoughts of Heaven (Elliott)
1024. Oh, never can I serve thee here - A Hymn (Elliott)
1025. Christ is my hope, Christ is my life - For a Dying Bed (Elliott)
1026. Jesus! thou in heaven art pleading - To Comfort Me (Elliott)
1027. The thought of death inspires no fear - So shall we ever be with the Lord (Elliott)
1028. Sinful, sighing to be blessed - The Penitent (Monsell)
1029. This year will prove a happy one - New Year's Day (Elliott)
1030. O thou, the contrite sinner's Friend! - Prayer to the Heavenly Intercessor (Elliott)
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1031 - 1040
1031. Full many a bud and flow'ret fair - The Unfading Flower (Elliott)
1032. The pilgrim spirit journeys on - An Exile's Hymn (Elliott)
1033. I want that adorning Divine - The Pilgrim's Wants (Elliott)
1034. Is life's evening long and dreary? - Lines for the Aged (Elliott)
1035. Poor fainting spirit, still hold on thy way - The Day is at Hand! (Elliott)
1036. Laid up for those who fear thee, Lord - My Times are in Thy Hand (Burlingham)
1037. Lord, to be with thee in thine own abode - Before the Presence of His Glory (Burlingham)
1038. Grace and peace and glory yonder - Grace and Peace (Burlingham)
1039. Art thou afflicted? O belovèd, pray! - Is any afflicted? Let him pray (Burlingham)
1040. Great gain is thine, belovèd one, exchanging - Far Better (Burlingham)
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1041 - 1050
1041. Ye heirs of God, joint heirs with Christ, arise! - Awake! (Burlingham)
1042. O weary soul with guilt oppressed - Let him that heareth say "Come" (Burlingham)
1043. O City, golden-bright! (Burlingham)
1044. The glory shines before me (Burlingham)
1045. Onward, and upward, and forward today! - A Birthday Song (Burlingham)
1046. I praise thee, blessed God - A Wayside Song (Burlingham)
1047. Away with Egypt's burdens - Out of Their Bondage (Burlingham)
1048. Lord! much we need thy Shepherd-care - Looking Upward (Burlingham)
1049. I have a mighty Friend - Always Confident (Burlingham)
1050. Jesus, thou precious One, what depths of love - The Unseen Loved One (Burlingham)
Top / Übersicht 951 - 1000 1051 - 1100