Christ My Song-Logo

Hymns by number / Lieder nach Nummern: 1051 - 1100

l 1051 - 1060 l 1061 - 1070 l 1071 - 1080 l 1081 - 1090 l 1091 - 1100 l

1051 - 1060
1051. Thou art my Joy, Lord Jesus! - The God of my Salvation (Burlingham)
1052. Not the reproach of men - Fear not (Burlingham)
1053. Everlasting glory - The Mighty Saviour (Burlingham)
1054. O thou, who from Eternity - The Unchanging One (Burlingham)
1055. Not yet the dawn – the things around - The Watchers (Burlingham)
1056. This is thy love, my God! - Lost and Found (Burlingham)
1057. Help me, my God, be thou thyself my guide! - Help of God (Burlingham)
1058. Thou living God! how blessed are all - Victories (Burlingham)
1059. How patiently, O Lord, thy love endures! - The Patience of Hope (Burlingham)
1060. His name is Jesus! None beside - "His name Jesus" (Burlingham)
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1061 - 1070
1061. Lo! what a glorious sight appears - The Kingdom of Christ among Men (Watts)
1062. Thou art home at last, each waymark past - Home at last (Burlingham)
1063. Awake, my heart; arise, my tongue - Spiritual apparel (Watts)
1064. Sing we our choral strain - Worthy art Thou (Burlingham)
1065. O for a deeper knowledge of thy ways! - "That I may Know Him" (Burlingham)
1066. O God of matchless grace - Accepted in the Beloved (Burlingham)
1067. Blessèd be God, my God! who, ever near - "Blessed be God" (Burlingham)
1068. Alone! – a stranger here - Alone (Burlingham)
1069. Hosanna to the living Lord! - Advent Sunday (Heber)
1070. Burdened and plagued within - In the Far Country (Burlingham)
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1071 - 1080
1071. O Jesus, Freund der Seelen (Küster)
O Jesus, Friend unfailing - The unfailing Friend (Küster/Burlingham)
1072. The pilgrimage cares and calamities past - A Song by the Way (Burlingham)
1073. Fear not, beloved, go calmly on - Led Safely (Burlingham)
1074. O Christian, search the Scriptures! - A Song for the times (Burlingham)
1075. Oh, the love of Christ is boundless - Boundless Love (Burlingham)
1076. I know, O Lord, though all around is dark - Trusting in Jesus (Burlingham)
1077. I'm waiting for thee, Lord - "Over There" (Burlingham)
1078. Thou, Lord, art all to me - "My Portion for Ever" (Burlingham)
1079. High at God's right hand is seated - "We see Jesus" (Burlingham)
1080. The cross! The cross of Jesus Christ our Lord - "Jesus Christ and Him Crucified" (Burlingham)
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1081 - 1090
1081. Eternity for glory - The Eternal Day (Burlingham)
1082. O Christ, thy precious blood was shed - Eternal Redemption (Burlingham)
1083. God must acquaint his comforters with grief - Comforted of God (Burlingham)
1084. 'Tis a long and a toilsome day - Homeward Bound (Burlingham)
1085. Belovèd! still 'tis "Onward!" Faint not, the goal is nigh - Onward (Burlingham)
1086. Shall I forsake the ways divine - "Faint yet Pursuing" (Burlingham)
1087. The earthen pitcher frail - Giving and Receiving (Burlingham)
1088. Say where doth Wisdom dwell? - "Where shall Wisdom be Found?" (Burlingham)
1089. Oh bright will be the waking - Treasure Trove (Burlingham)
1090. Mine own Belovèd's voice! - "The voice of my Belovèd" (Burlingham)
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1091 - 1100
1091. The Gospel is of God - The Gospel of God (Burlingham)
1092. Jesus Christ, the Shepherd True - Light and Love (Burlingham)
1093. Lord! I thank thee thou dost listen - The Loving-Kindness of the Lord (Burlingham)
1094. Bright, bright Home! Beyond the skies - Watching for the Morning (Burlingham)
1095. In the sun and moon and stars - Second Sunday in Advent (2) (Heber)
1096. When one whom ... - I Am With You Alway (Burlingham)
1097. Thou art coming, mighty Saviour! - The coming King (Burlingham)
1098. When the night is dark and dreary - "Toiling in Rowing" (Burlingham)
1099. Through the long vista of the bygone days - A Song of Remembrance (Burlingham)
1100. "What things were gain to me" - What things were gain (Burlingham)
Top / Übersicht 1001 - 1050 1101 - 1150